Instant transfers

Your transfers, in a flash

Use our instant transfer service and send money to anywhere in Spain in 20 seconds. Your time is money!

Instant money

Send and receive transfers within Spain in real time from the Openbank website and app. Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Up to €6,000 per transfer

Each transfer has a limit of €6,000. This service is fee-free with any of your Openbank accounts.

Ultimate security

Before the money is sent, we make sure that the payee account is valid under the supervision of Iberpay, the transaction exchange platform for banks in Spain.


Send money by Bizum using the Openbank app!

Send and receive money instantly with Bizum. Just enter the recipient's mobile number - there's no need for account numbers. Activate the service for free on the Openbank app.

Want to learn more about Instant Transfers?

What is the difference between a standard transfer and an instant transfer?
Does this service cost anything?
Is there any limit on the amount?
What banks can instant transfers be sent to?
Can instant transfers also be sent internationally?
How long does an instant transfer take?
Need any help?

What is the difference between a standard transfer and an instant transfer?

The main difference is speed.

Instant transfers are cleared instantly, in real time, any time of day and any day of the week. Whereas standard transfers may take up to one business day, depending on the time and day the money is sent.

Does this service cost anything?

Instant transfers from any of your Openbank account are completely free.

Is there any limit on the amount?

You can send up to €6,000 per transfer. If you need to send a larger amount, give us a call on +34 91 177 33 10.

What banks can instant transfers be sent to?

You can send and receive money to and from the majority of banks operating in Spain.

Can instant transfers also be sent internationally?

At present, you can only send instant transfers from Openbank to accounts in Spain.

How long does an instant transfer take?

The technology we use is able to send these transfers in real time. The transfer may take up to 20 seconds to be completed.

Need any help?

For more information, email us at or call us on +34 91 177 33 10.