Bellevue (Lux) Bellevue Sust HC B EUR - LU1819586261 | Openbank
Risk on a scale of 1 to 7
Lower risk
Potentially lower return
Higher risk
Potentially higher return
The risk rating and information for each Investment Fund distributed by Open Bank S.A. is set out in the Prospectus or Key Investor Information Document (KIID) of each Investment Fund, available at y en

  • Asset class
  • Sub-Asset class
  • Currency
  • Type
  • Asset Manager: Bellevue Asset Management AG

Current value

164.10 EUR -0,10% 

Return (YTD)


2023 Return

4.61 %

Management fee*


Morningstar Rating:


*Además de la comisión de gestión el fondo podría tener otros costes que puede consultar en el DFI.

Información actualizada a 12 Mar 2025

Openbank charges no additional fees. The only applicable fees are the investment fund fees.

  • No transfer fee.
  • No subscription fee.
  • No custody fee.
  • No redemption fee.

Change over time

If you had invested

over a period of  years.

This fund was launched on 29/06/2018
20222023202420250 €3,000 €6,000 €9,000 €12,000 €
 Bellevue (Lux) Bellevue Sust HC B EUR

Annual return

This graph shows the performance of the investment fund in recent years.

201920202021202220232024-10.00 %0.00 %10.00 %20.00 %30.00 %

Investment strategy

Below is a summary of the investment strategy governing the fund's management. For more detailed information, please read the DFI.

The sub-fund is an equity fund. The investment objective of the sub-fund is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing at least two thirds of the net assets of the fund in a portfolio of carefully chosen shares and other equity securities of companies in the healthcare sector taking account of sustainability criteria. The fund can also invest in companies whose main activity involves holding investments in such companies or financing such companies and that have their registered office or carry out the majority of their economic activity in recognised countries. Without limiting the scope of “healthcare sector”, the healthcare sector includes companies from the areas of pharmaceuticals, medical technology, biotechnology and related sectors.

Allocation of the fund by sector

This table shows the allocation of the investment fund's positions among the different sectors in which the assets are invested.

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