Buy shares in the world's biggest companies | Openbank
This number is indicative of the product's risk, with 1/6 indicating the lowest risk and 6/6 the highest risk


Buy shares in the world's biggest companies

Ventaja 1 accionnes-mb
Buy shares from the main stock markets
Prices range from €10 per trade in the domestic market and from €30 in international markets.
Alertas y tiempo real gratis en mercado español
Alerts and real-time quotes in the Spanish market
Customisable alerts and free real-time quotes when trading on the Spanish stock market.
Especialistas en inversiones
Investment specialists
AFI-certified specialists with vast experience on hand to help by calling (+34) 91 177 33 16.
Easy to manage no matter where you are
Easy to manage no matter where you are
Trade online and through our app. See what other investors are doing and check the most active stocks, plus other relevant info.

Invest with Artificial Intelligence

Don’t know what to invest in? Let AI give you some ideas.


Bring your shares to Openbank!

Call us on 91 177 33 16 or 900 10 29 39 from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and our team of investment specialists will help you with the transfer. To make sure the process is a fast as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • If you’re not a customer yet, open an account with us.
  • If you’re already a customer, open a securities account at Openbank with the same holders of the current securities contract where you hold the shares.
  • Make sure you have: the name of the depositary, the securities contract number, and the ISIN and number of shares you want to bring over.
  • We will need your Signature Code (made up of 8 digits) to issue the transfer order.

Find the shares you want with our advanced finder tool.

Please note that any investment carries some level of risk, including the lack of return, loss of invested capital, and/or the foreign exchange risk for non-euro denominated investment funds.

Want to learn more about Stocks?

How can I buy them?

What types of orders can I place?

Can I access my money whenever I need it?

Which markets can I trade in?

What fees are charged for buying or selling shares?

Are there any regulations that affect my investments?

How do I get started?

What is the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) or Tobin Tax and which transactions does it affect?

How can I buy them?

It's simple. All you need to do is select the stock you wish to buy (our finder tool can help) and then issue us with the purchase order. To be able to trade, you will need to open a securities account with us where we will deposit your securities and send the order to the market for execution.

What types of orders can I place?

There are several types of orders:

• “Market” order: it is executed entirely at the price that is quoted on the market at that time. If there is not enough volume at the first price, it will be partially executed at that price and the rest will be crossed at successive prices until it is fully executed.

• “Best price” order: it is executed at the best price at which the stock is trading on the market at that time. However, if there is not enough volume at that price (set as the best price), it will be partially executed, with the rest pending execution at that price (or better) for the rest of the session. This order only applies to the Spanish market.

• “Limit” order: a maximum purchase price or minimum sale price is set. If the order cannot be executed at that price or better, it remains pending execution until the expiration date you have set.

Can I access my money whenever I need it?

Yes. You can sell them on the stock market whenever you want. We settle trades in a matter of seconds, so the money will appear in your current account instantly.

Which markets can I trade in?

At Openbank, you have access to the main global stock exchanges:

In Europe:

  • Spain (Mercado continuo, MAB, Latibex)
  • UK (London)
  • Germany (Xetra)
  • France (Paris)
  • Portugal (Lisbon)
  • Netherlands (Amsterdam)
  • Belgium (Brussels)
  • Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • Italy (Milan)
  • Switzerland (Zurich, Virt-X)
  • Austria (Vienna)
  • Ireland (Dublin)
  • Norway (Oslo)
  • Denmark (Copenhagan)
  • Sweden (Stockholm)
  • Finland (Helsinki)
  • Greece (Athens)

In North America:

  • USA. (Nasdaq, NYSE, Amex)

What fees are charged for buying or selling shares?

Our trading fees are son:

  • National markets:
    • Up to €75,000, 0.20% with a minimum of €10
    • Between €75,000 and €100,000, 0.15%
    • For more than €100,000 euros, 0.09%
    • For your Santander shares, the purchase fee is reduced to €6 per transaction up to €90,000, and you will be charged no fees whatsoever for dividend pay-outs, capital transactions or custodial services
  • International markets
    • 0.20% with a minimum of €30

These fees include the brokerage fee charged by Banco Santander, S.A. Market fees are not included.

Our custodial fee is:

  • National markets:
    • 0.15% with a minimum of €12

  • International markets:
    • 0.60% with a minimum of €10.

Annual fee charged quarterly on a pro rata basis.

For more information, please see our fee schedule.

Are there any regulations that affect my investments?

Yes, the MiFID Directive, which is a community regulation that protects you as a customer and improves the operation of financial markets. It establishes a classification of customers and products in order to offer you the investment that is most suited to your interests.

How do I get started?

You can get started right away by logging in to your Customer Area or by calling us on (+34) 91 177 33 16. Or, if you prefer, you can also access this service through our app on your phone or tablet.

What is the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) or Tobin Tax and which transactions does it affect?

It is the new tax that will come into force on 14 January 2021, which will levy 0.20% on the purchase of shares of Spanish companies with a market capitalisation above 1 billion euros. The sale of shares is not subject to this tax.

Spanish companies with a market capitalisation below 1 billion euros, as well as ETFs and Warrants, are exempt.

In relation to intraday trading (purchase and sale of shares of the same company, from the same securities account and on the same day), the tax will only be applied to the difference between buy and sell transactions executed that day on taxable shares.

For example, for the purchase of €1,000 in shares of a company, you would pay €2 for this tax.

See companies affected by the Tobin Tax.

Want to get in touch with us?

Want to get in touch with us?

We make it simple. Give us a call on 91 117 33 16 or 900 10 29 38 and our team of investment specialists will be happy to help (Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

91 177 33 16 or 900 10 29 38


We will call you back using the phone number and name provided. We will not store or use this information for any other purpose. For further information on the legal aspects of this process, specifically how we protect your privacy, click here.

We will call you back using the phone number and name provided. We will not store or use this information for any other purpose. For further information on the legal aspects of this process, specifically how we protect your privacy, click here.