Bank deposits
A safe way to earn interest on your savings.
What is a bank deposit?
It is a savings product in which you earn safe and stable interest in exchange for holding your money in the account for a fixed term. At the end of the term, the bank returns your savings plus the previously agreed interest.
What are the benefits of deposits?
3-Month Open Deposit
Earn interest on your savings over the short term: 2.55% annual NIR (2.58% APR3) over 3 months.
Start saving with our bank deposits
If you're a customer, open your deposit by calling 91 177 33 10 or 900 22 32 42. If you're not a customer yet, call us on 91 177 33 37 or 900 36 53 66.
2 Representative example of interest paid at the end of the term for the 6-Month Open Deposit with a balance of €25,000: (i) if all conditions are met, 2.52% APR and 2.50% annual NIR will be applied, and the gross interest would be €312.50; (ii) if a direct deposit for your salary, pension, unemployment benefit or other type of monthly income of at least €600 (that do not come from another Openbank account) is not set up for at least 4 months, 1.51% APR and 1.50% annual NIR will be applied, and the gross interest would be €187.50; (iii) in both cases, if you fail to comply with the 6-month term and only hold the balance for 3 months, 0.20% APR and annual NIR will be applied, and the gross interest would be €12.50.
3 Representative example of interest for the 3-Month Open Deposit with a balance of €25,000 and interest settlement at the end of the term: (i) if all conditions are met, 2.58% APR and 2.55% annual NIR will be applied, and the gross interest would be €159.38; (ii) if a direct deposit for your salary, pension, unemployment benefit or other type of monthly income of at least €600 (which must come from another bank), is not set up for at least 2 months, 1.56% APR and 1.55% annual NIR will be applied, and the gross interest would be €96.88; (iii) in both cases, if you fail to comply with the 3-month term and only hold the balance for 1 month, 0.20% APR and annual NIR will be applied, and the gross interest would be €4.17.