Donate to A LA PAR Foundation | Openbank

A LA PAR Foundation

What does it do?

What does it do?
  • It is a foundation that works to promote the rights of people with learning disabilities and their participation in society.
  • Its activities aim to overcome the barriers encountered by people with learning disabilities when it comes to integrating into society.
  • The foundation's values focus on seeking justice and equality for all, creating a more sustainable society in which all people, with or without disabilities, have a place and where diversity becomes a source of wealth.

Where does it work?

Where does it work?
  • The foundation's headquarters and main projects are in the Community of Madrid.
  • It handles the cases of people with learning disabilities who have been abused throughout Spain.

Other relevant information:

Other relevant information:
  • The foundation works to maintain its position of leadership and as an agent of social change when it comes to learning disability issues.
  • It runs the A La Par School, which helps its students to reach their maximum potential through various training programmes.
  • It works to increase the employability of people with disabilities by helping them to develop professional skills and by providing guidance and individual support in the workplace.
  • It also promotes sporting values through 20 sports programmes and runs independent living projects.

A LA PAR Foundation

Más información


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